Joanna Gutmann
13 September 2020 2020-09-15 16:39Joanna Gutmann

Joanna Gutmann established her business in 1985 after several years’ experience of the administration and delivery of training courses. Having trained as a secretary (on her mother’s advice so she could find what she wanted to do!) she became involved in training while working in a residential training centre. She initially concentrated on general office and communication skills, but this quickly developed into business writing training. For the past fifteen years, Jo’s work has centred around ‘the meeting’. Most of her courses and workshops focus on minute-taking, speedwriting and report writing, but she also runs regular sessions on effective chairing, speedreading and presentation skills for those who report into the meetings
Delegates appreciate a trainer who has ‘been there, done that’ – Jo’s relaxed, friendly style enables delegates to participate confidently in their training. There is no PowerPoint, preferring to build the skills of those who attend through ‘discussing and doing’ not just watching. With an admin background and with clients in the NHS, universities, local government and private sector, training around 1,200 people a year, she understand the problems faced by delegates and can offer realistic support for the demands of the workplace.

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