Business Writing
1 September 2020 2020-09-14 14:58Business Writing

Why you need Business Writing
People often waste time drafting and re-drafting emails or sorting out problems caused by lack of clarity in the original message. Developing the skill of business writing will have personal as well as organisational benefits.
Why is it good
Business Writing is practical from start to finish. There is no PowerPoint presentation, participants work on example documents as well as their own throughout the day. Flexibility is built in to ensure that everyone has the chance to raise areas of personal concern and get practical support. Detailed reference handouts are provided and trainer-support is available after the course.
Business writing may have become less formal with the use of email, but the need to give information or request action clearly has not changed. This workshop focuses on plain English and creating a good structure to a document as well as help with the punctuation marks that cause problems to individual delegates.
Business Writing
Course Content

• Defining the objective; considering the reader’s perspective and needs.
• Approaches to planning.
• Structure of a document whether overt (eg a report) or covert (eg email).
• Plain English & punctuation problems.
• Presentation to maximise readability – making a document look professional and helping the reader through layout; writing for dyslexia and visual impairment.
• Clear sentences and paragraphs, use of the tricky punctuation marks (comma, semi-colon/colon, capital letter, hyphen and apostrophe); summary of the other punctuation marks.
Who should attend?
Anyone who writes anything and wants to improve or check their practice.
A course at your workplace
Duration: one day (usually 9:30 – 4:30).
Minimum of six delegates, maximum of twelve
You need to provide a suitable room and a flipchart/pad, we bring all course materials and stationery; detailed reference notes and provide post-course support.
Delegates receive a certificate of attendance showing the CPD Standards Office accreditation.

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